About the Journal

Journal title  : Jurnal Digdaya
Initials  : JD
Frequency  : 4 issues per year
Prefiks DOI  :  crossref3 
Online ISSN  : 2830-7577
Editor In Chief  : Muhammad Zainul Arifin, M.Pd. [Scopus_type_logo][orchid][scholarl1]
Publisher  : Nur Rachman Karya Semesta Press

Digdaya Journal is a journal that aims to be a source of academic information covering issues regarding education, teaching, and culture. We publish original research articles, in-depth studies, and innovative ideas or works in various fields of knowledge that are the focus of this journal. At least two expert reviewers will immediately scrutinize all papers submitted to the editorial board. The Digdaya Journal is published four times a year, namely in March, June, September, and December.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 4 (2024): Desember
Published: 2025-01-31
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